Okay, so I'm working on a webcomic with a talented artist from back home. I wrote a story to get me started, about a mage who seeds worlds with thin places (places where the other world is closer). Often this takes the form of something physical, like an altar, or a bell, or some kind of structure. Although he doesn't always seed the best thin place, he continues moving, compelled to scatter his seeds across the worlds to grow into something he doesn't know or understand.
How much of that is like a Christian's walk? We often sow seed in rocky places, or fertile fields, but we don't know what the result will be. All we do, intentionally or not, is to further the kingdom somehow. it's not always the right seed for the situation, and not every seed sprouts or is cared for, but it's still furthering this goal of the Father's. I hope we all will put God's word and his hope in people's hearts, until they have that ear that hears the call. We can't control what they will do with it. All we can do is continue to work. In whatever trials or persecution happens.
So I'll continue to create, but more importanly, I hope I, and all of us, take time to spend with our Creator and Savior, God, and Jesus. The relationship always precedes the work. If the relationship is good, then the seed falls easily. It's when there is struggle that it's more difficult. Also, it's not going to be the same from our perspective. If we keep seeking him, and reading his word to seek his will, praying to come into alignment with his will, and just enjoying his presence, all things really will work together for good.
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